120 research outputs found

    Predicting Time Series Using an Automatic New Algorithm of the Kalman Filter

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    Time series forecasting is one of the main venues followed by researchers in all areas. For this reason, we develop a new Kalman filter approach, which we call the alternative Kalman filter. The search conditions associated with the standard deviation of the time series determined by the alternative Kalman filter were suggested as a generalization that is supposed to improve the classical Kalman filter. We studied three different time series and found that in all three cases, the alternative Kalman filter is more accurate than the classical Kalman filter. The algorithm could be generalized to time series of a different length and nature. Therefore, the developed approach can be used to predict any time series of data with large variance in the model error that causes convergence problems in the prediction

    Deterministic Chaos Detection and Simplicial Local Predictions Applied to Strawberry Production Time Series

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    In this work, we attempted to find a non-linear dependency in the time series of strawberry production in Huelva (Spain) using a procedure based on metric tests measuring chaos. This study aims to develop a novel method for yield prediction. To do this, we study the system’s sensitivity to initial conditions (exponential growth of the errors) using the maximal Lyapunov exponent. To check the soundness of its computation on non-stationary and not excessively long time series, we employed the method of over-embedding, apart from repeating the computation with parts of the transformed time series. We determine the existence of deterministic chaos, and we conclude that non-linear techniques from chaos theory are better suited to describe the data than linear techniques such as the ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) or SARIMA (seasonal autoregressive moving average) models. We proceed to predict short-term strawberry production using Lorenz’s Analog MethodThis research was funded by Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de la Presidencia, Administración Pública e Interior. Secretaría General de Acción Exterior grant number G/82A/44103/00 0

    Acrometástasis: a propósito de dos casos

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    Se presentan dos casos de acrometástasis localizados en la falange distal de los dedos de un pie y de una mano. Ambos casos habían sido diagnosticados previamente de lesiones malignas (carcinoma epidermoide de pulmón en el primer caso y carcinoma folicular de tiroides en el otro caso). El tratamiento consistió en la amputación del dedo afectado en ambos pacientes.Two cases of acrometastases in the distal phalanges of the foot and the hand are presented. Both cases were diagnosed previously of malignant lesions (epidermoid carcinoma of lung in the first case and follicular carcinoma of thyroid in the second one). Treatment consisted in amputation of the affected great toe and ring finger in both patients

    Desarrollo de backend para control remoto de instrumentación electrónica

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    Actualmente, el análisis de señales y comprensión de estas es muy importante en el ámbito de las Telecomunicaciones, ya que, gracias a la globalización y digitalización del mundo, con las nuevas tecnologías, hace crecer una demanda de especialización en este tema. Por otro lado, para especializarse en este tema, en la carrera es necesario conocer cómo analizar, desarrollar y ejecutar estas, ya que, para el Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de la Telecomunicación, una buena parte está destinado al uso de estas herramientas y estudio de señales que vengan de distintos dispositivos electrónicos. Para ello, y gracias al planteamiento del Grado, las clases se dividen en partes teóricas y prácticas, para luego, en los laboratorios, estudiar en profundidad estas herramientas de medida de señales, entre otras. De ahí surge la necesidad actual de realizar la misma parte práctica estando en el laboratorio que en remoto, o incluso sin disponer de estas herramientas de medida. Por lo que se pretende es acercar, a través de un Portal Web, este manejo de estas herramientas “a distancia”, como pueden ser osciloscopios, generadores de señal, analizador de espectro, etc. En conclusión, el objetivo de este proyecto es poder analizar una arquitectura web que satisfaga estos requerimientos de poder conectar las herramientas de medida a un portal, para poder trabajar con ellos de forma remota.Currently, analysis of signals and understanding of these is very important in Telecommunications field, since, thanks to the globalization and digitalization of the world, with new technologies, makes grow a demand for specialization in this topic. On the other hand, to specialize in this topic, in the degree it’s necessary to know how to analyze, develop and execute these, since, for the Degree in Engineering of Telecommunications Technologies, a good part is intended for the use of these tools and the study of signals coming from different electronic devices. To do this, and thanks to the approach of the Degree, the classes are divided into theoretical and practical parts, and then, in the laboratories, study in depth these measurement tools of signals, among others. Hence the current need to perform the same practical part being in the laboratory as in remote, or even without having these measuring tools. What is intended is to bring, through a Web Portal, this management of these tools “remotely”, such as oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analyzers, etcUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Influence of noise level and seniority in the workplace on the SAL, ELI and percentage of hearing loss indices in the diagnosis and prevention of hearing loss in the working population

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    Introduction: This research relates the most important work-related factors affecting the development of hearing loss to the main methods used as medical assessment criteria in the diagnosis of occupational deafness. These criteria are the Speech Average Loss Index (SAL), the Early Loss Index (ELI) and the Percentage of Hearing Loss, and are applied to data obtained from audiograms performed on workers in occupational medical examinations. Method: Depending on the assessment method selected, these often return different results in grading an individual's hearing status and predicting how it will evolve. To address this problem, medical examinations (including audiograms) were carried out on a heterogeneous sample of 1,418 workers in Spain, from which demographic or personal data (gender, age, etc.), occupational data (noise level to which each individual is exposed, etc.) and other non-work-related factors (exposure to noise outside work, family history, etc.) were also gathered. Using Bayesian Networks, the conditional probability of an individual developing hearing loss was obtained taking into account all these factors and, specifically, noise level and length of service in the workplace. Sensitivity analyses were also carried out using the three scales (SAL, ELI and Percentage Hearing Loss Index), proving their suitability as tools the diagnosis and prediction of deafness. These networks were validated under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) criterion and in particular by the Area Under the Curve (AUC). Results: The results show that all three methods are deficient in so far as detecting preventive hearing problems related to noise in most workplaces. Conclusions: The most restrictive methods for detecting possible cases of deafness are the SAL index and the Percentage Loss Index. The ELI index is the least restrictive of the three methods, but it is not able to discriminate the causes of hearing problems in an individual caused by exposure to noise, either by its intensity level or by the time of exposure to noise. Practical Applications: The use of the three methods in the field of occupational risk prevention is extremely limited and it seems reasonable to think that there is a need for the construction of new scales to correct or improve the existing ones

    Sensitivity of multi-PMT Optical Modules in Antarctic Ice to Supernova Neutrinos of MeV energy

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    New optical sensors with a segmented photosensitive area are being developed for the next generation of neutrino telescopes at the South Pole. In addition to increasing sensitivity to high-energy astrophysical neutrinos, we show that this will also lead to a significant improvement in sensitivity to MeV neutrinos, such as those produced in core-collapse supernovae (CCSN). These low-energy neutrinos can provide a detailed picture of the events after stellar core collapse, testing our understanding of these violent explosions. We present studies on the event-based detection of MeV neutrinos with a segmented sensor and, for the first time, the potential of a corresponding detector in the deep ice at the South Pole for the detection of extra-galactic CCSN. We find that exploiting temporal coincidences between signals in different photocathode segments, a 27 M27\ \mathrm{M}_{\odot} progenitor mass CCSN can be detected up to a distance of 341 kpc with a false detection rate of 0.010.01 year1^{-1} with a detector consisting of 10000 sensors. Increasing the number of sensors to 20000 and reducing the optical background by a factor of 70 expands the range such that a CCSN detection rate of 0.10.1 per year is achieved, while keeping the false detection rate at 0.010.01 year1^{-1}.Comment: Published versio

    METEO: Estación de monitorización meteorológica remota

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      This article is focused over a number of imposed requirements, such as monitoring of environmental parameters (Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure, Air Quality, Ambient Lighting, Rain and Noise), measurement, storage and historical data generation of the previous magnitudes; in order to design and develop of a Remote Meteorology Monitoring Station. In accordance with these requirements a V model life cycle is set and planned. Low cost elements (Commercial off the shelf) and low power consumption programming techniques (sensors are settings to switch to sleep mode and software ap- plications are coded to use sleep/wait status) are used in this project. In accordance with imposed requirements, a set of test were planned on each stages for the validation and verification of the system. The follow-up of a methodology resulted in a successful imple- mentation of the project.  Este artículo se centra en el diseño y desarrollo de una Estación de Monitorización Meteorológica Remota, fundamentada en la imposición de una serie de requisitos, como es la monitorización de magnitudes medioambientales (Temperatura, Humedad, Presión Atmosférica, Calidad del Aire, Iluminación Ambiental, Lluvia y Ruido), la medición, el almacenamiento y la creación de históricos de las magnitudes anteriores; siguiendo para ello la metodología del modelo de ciclo de vida en ‘V’. El proyecto se basa en el uso de elementos de bajo coste (que puedan estar disponibles para el público en general) y en técnicas que minimicen el consumo de los elementos y sistemas electrónicos (configuración de sensores para conmutar a estados de apagado o reposo y codificación de las aplicaciones software para entrada en espera de los procesos en ejecución). En base a los requisitos del proyecto, se planificaron una serie de pruebas para la validación y verificación del producto, en cada una de sus fases; evidenciando que el seguimiento de una metodología de trabajo (que define cada etapa del proyecto), redunda en una implementación satisfactoria del proyecto

    Assessment and Modeling of the Influence of Age, Gender, and Family History of Hearing Problems on the Probability of Suffering Hearing Loss in the Working Population

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    Hearing loss affects hundreds of millions of people all over the world, leading to several types of disabilities, ranging from purely physical to psychological and/or social aspects. A proper analysis to ascertain the main risk factors is essential in order to diagnose early and treat adequately. An exploratory analysis based on a heterogeneous sample of 1418 workers is presented in order to identify the main trigger factors for hearing loss. On the one hand, we recorded several medical and environmental parameters, and on the other, we created a model based on Bayesian networks in order to be able to infer the probability of hearing loss considering different scenarios. This paper focuses on three parameters: gender, age, and a family history of hearing problems. The results obtained allow us to infer or predict the best or worst auditory level for an individual under several different scenarios. The least relevant factor is the existence of a family history of deafness, followed by the gender factor, which slopes considerably toward better hearing for females, and most prominent of all, the age factor, given the large differences identified between the various age groups when the gender and family history of deafness variables remain constan

    Relación entre apego y funciones ejecutivas: una revisión teórica desde la visión neuropsicológica.

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    El apego es un concepto estudiado desde la Psicología de forma tradicional sin, quizás, asociarlo a otras áreas dentro de la Psicología o la Educación sin salirnos de su propia definición. El apego se considera como ese vínculo físico y emocional entre el bebé y su figura de referencia (0-3 años), la predisposición biológica innata que asegura la supervivencia del bebé, proveer de proximidad, protección y seguridad por parte del cuidador, lo que puede ayudar a permitir la exploración de lo desconocido. Todo ello, supone una base de seguridad que formará los cimientos del desarrollo sano de la mente del niño, definido según el afecto (Empatía, Sensibilidad, Disponibilidad, Validación emocional…) y la exploración (Permitir la exploración, refugio al que se puede acudir en busca de consuelo y seguridad, regulación emocional…). Estas dos estructuras, casan con un constructo neuropsicológico conocido como Funciones Ejecutivas, un concepto que viene caracterizado por la planificación, control emocional, supervisión, autorregulación, memoria de trabajo… áreas fundamentales en el desarrollo como personas y que, en el niño y adolescente, repercuten en gran medida en su vertiente más personal y académica/profesional. En este caso, la presente comunicación pretende aportar una visión teórica desde la perspectiva neuropsicológica del estudio del apego y su relación con el comportamiento, demostrando, con el análisis de estudios previos, la radical importancia de estudiar esta conexión entre los conceptos, favoreciendo así la comprensión del desarrollo psicológico, social, emocional y conductual del niño y, posterior, adulto. Conociendo las respuestas y comportamientos, podemos ofrecer una gran variabilidad de opciones a esas posibles dificultades que ha podido ocasionar la influencia recíproca entre el apego y su funcionamiento ejecutivo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Data on the main working conditions with influence on the development of hearing loss amongst the occupational population in Spain

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    Obtaining reliable and objective data on certain working conditions is necessary to analyse the causes and variables that can influence the development of hearing loss amongst the working population. Objective occupational data have been collected from a heterogeneous sample of 1418 workers in Spain, see “How activity type, time on the job and noise level on the job affect the hearing of the working population. Using Bayesian networks to predict the development of hipoacusia” (Barrero et al., 2018) [1]. Among the main factors analysed are the noise levels to which these workers are exposed, measured at their respective workstations, and the assessment of their hearing status, evaluated by audiometric medical tests. These factors provide information to predict the development of hypoacusia